Hola Familia!
Yesterday marked the actual four week mark of my time here at the MTC.
I got here on a Wednesday and they count that as the first week. So MTC
weeks are a little different than actual weeks. In reality, I've been
here four weeks and a day. But according to MTC time, this is halfway
through my fifth week. It's always weird to ask people how long they've
been here because you never know what form of time they're going to
answer in.
But anyways, life here is pretty good. There are always
new curve balls thrown at me, but I just keep on chugging. What else is
there to do, right? The curveball for this week was teaching with one
of the sisters in my district. We had three sisters all going to
Guatemala on their missions. They were supposed to be here three weeks,
then go to the MTC in Guatemala to finish up the last 9 weeks of their
MTC stay. But one of them, Hermana Fusi, somehow managed to lose both
her passport and her driver's license. Which are both kind of necessary
to go to Guatemala. And since she lost her driver's license, we have to
wait for that before she can get a new passport. Which is going to take
forever. Literally. I'll be impressed if she ever leaves this place.
Thankfully, she absolutely loves the MTC. But anyways, it's very
different to teach with three people. I was just getting used to two
people, then they decide to throw this at me. Normally, when one person
is done talking, there's only your companion to talk next. He
understands that he needs to be paying attention to carry on the next
part of the lesson. But now there's two people. Who's supposed to talk
now? Every lesson is an adventure. I'm still not used to it and it's
really difficult to plan with three people, but I'm sure we'll get there
We are still teaching Ezequiel, he's golden. He was
golden from the start. He agreed to baptism and we're just teaching him
about the commandments and stuff now. Those lessons are a breeze because
he just eats up the Gospel. Our other investigator was Matilda and she
was just starting to come along, then we got a new teacher so we don't
teach Matilda anymore. A little disappointing, but tomorrow we start
teaching a new investigator. His name is Jorge and he's a father of two
who works construction. That's all we know. On the upside, I've gotten
way good at teaching the first lesson, so I'm excited to bust it out
tomorrow. The only question will be how it goes with the addition of
Hermana Fusi. I've never taught the first lesson with her before. I'll
let you know next week.
My friend Elder Durkin and I have started a new goal.
We found these tiny pocket sized Books of Mormon at the book store.
We're going to buy them and read through, highlighting all the examples
of Christlike attributes. I'm actually really excited to make it happen.
I like the idea of reading the Book of Mormon with a specific goal in
mind. Helps you focus your thoughts on applying the stories you read.
Especially in those war chapters in Alma. You need something to make
those applicable other than being awesome stories about Teancum wrecking
My Spanish is coming along really well. I am pretty
good at understanding people. I get most of what our teachers say and
what goes on in the lessons. I'm not quite as good at responding, but
give me a moment to think and I'll usually say it correctly. Now I just
need to speed up my response times and build my vocabulary. It's a
process, but I'm getting there.
So that's pretty much my whole life here! Not much new
to report. Lots of studying and teaching and the occasional Saturday
night nacho party with Elder Van Mondfrans. What more could I ask for in
Hope all is well,
Elder Erickson
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